What is the significant finding regarding levels of attractiveness and aspects of marital relationship, in the first six months of marriage? Question 15 Which of the following statements about the benefits of marriage is TRUE? The best way to avoid troublesome battles over money is probably to, C) Communicate about planning and expenditures, The most frequently cited problem for husbands and wives in the process of divorce is, D) Marital communication is linked with marital satisfaction, D) Predicted 94% of the couples who would divorce or not within three years, Which of the following are the four communication patterns Gottman calls the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? C) Fewer than 10 percent of cohabitating couples are still living together after five years. c. parents have a better idea of what they want from their family roles. Tubal pregnancies pose no health risks for pregnant women or the fetuses. D) Stepchildren perform the same academically as those in intact families, Kirk is a gay male and Brenda is a lesbian. C.In Scandinavian countries, people marry later and cohabitation is popular. . Approximately _____ of women in the United States marry at some point in their lives. He has a condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. Which of the following is true of cohabitation among the various social classes? Currently the average duration of marriage in the United States is just over _____ years. Which of the following statements about electrical charge is true? true. b. Which of the following statements best describes cohabitation? C. Cohabiting arrangements tend to be short-lived. Quickly and professionally. A)Having strong intimate ties increases the risk for depression. Both divorced women and divorced men complain of all of the following EXCEPT: On average, divorced adults remarry within _____ years after their divorce. What is a major criticism of the relationship-orientation view regarding women? b. Hungary encourages later marriage and childbearing than Sweden. Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? The Divorce Rate From 1980 Until The 2000s Increased Gradually. Becoming unemployed or a chronic illness can, Emily has a lot of stress at work. QUESTION 18 Which of the following statements is true about the effects of exercise, physical activity, or meditation on the functions of the brain? Now, however, she is content to have dinner with her friends and go home alone. c. Members of the FLDS believe that polygynous individuals should be prosecuted. B) Some studies have shown that cohabitation decreases the likelihood of success in marriage. False Indicate whether the statement is true or false Question 2 Matrimania casts marriage as the only way to achieve intimacy. When HDL is high and LDL is low, the risk of cardiovascular disease is lessened. Which of the following is true of tubal pregnancies? asked Mar 3, 2016 in Psychology by Felicia. It seems likely that Dalton has a(n) _____ attachment style. d. Fewer than 50 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. b. Olivia will probably have had an easier pregnancy and birth than Kelly. Cohabitation is a couple living together in an intimate relationship . Divorce. Selected Answer: The health benefits of marriage are not enjoyed by unmarried romantic partners who live together. Sandra and Tom divorced after an 18-year marriage when Tom left Sandra for his colleague. Marriage is uncommon among low-income cohabitants. A) Almost all cohabitating couples plan to marry at some point. Which of the following is likely to be TRUE for these new mothers? Which of the following is NOT true about how religion affects cohabitation? 17. Chuck is most likely to respond by: According to Ellen Berscheid, the most important ingredient of romantic love is: . However, following the decline there has been an apparent increase in the in the amount of couples cohabitating. D) Relationships between cohabitating couples tend to be more equal than those of husbands and wives. Which of the following is true of prototypes? As discussed in Chapter 10, which of the stages Erik Erikson identified, is the most important issue to be negotiated in adolescence? It lays the foundation for stronger marriages. Kelly has just given birth to her first baby at age 37; her best friend, Olivia, age 26, just gave birth to her first child. In The Context Of Cohabitation Among Older Adults, Which Of The Following Statements Is True? B.it is more common among people who are religious. There are no significant differences by age, race or gender on this question, … Compared to divorced couples, research indicates they are likely to have, Compared to married couples, people who are divorced, B) Within the first year of divorce, half of fathers basically lose contact with their children. b. Adolescence is the developmental period in which there is the greatest plasticity. accommodation; substitute marriage cohabitation; trial marriage cohabitation; dating cohabitation How do Asian women differ from their Latina counterparts? This is not homework, I'm getting other input: Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? Which of the following is an advantage of having children earlier? A) Engagement at the start of cohabitation is on the rise, while cohabitation is declining. ", B) Defensiveness, stonewalling, contempt, and criticism, In Gottman's communication patterns, _____ involves communicating insulting feelings that one's spouse is inferior, In Gottman's communication patterns, _____ involves constantly expressing negative evaluations of one's partner, In Gottman's communication patterns, _____ refers to responding to negativity by invalidating, refuting or denying the partner's statements, In Gottman's communication patterns, _____ is refusing to listen to one's partner, especially the partner's complaints, In Gottman's communication patterns, _____ involves provocative, combative challenges to one's partner's power and authority, Divorce rates _____ from 1950 to 1980 and _____ from 1980 to the present, D) Increased to about 50%; decreased to about 40-45%. Question 16 All of the following are true about cohabitation EXCEPT that Selected Answer: it is a predictor for divorce. A recent survey of more than 3,000 adults revealed that premarital education was linked to all of the following EXCEPT: It is recommended that premarital education begin approximately: b. Marriage, Family, and Kinship Chapter Exam Instructions. asked Mar 21, 2016 in Psychology by Dr-Doom. D. It is not as common an occurrence now as it was earlier. Most business owners in the United States will make enormous efforts to ensure that their own businesses are unionized. However, his wife complains that he is not understanding and gentle. b. eventual divorce and cohabitation before marriage are strongly correlated. b. most cohabiting couples don't get married. Multiple Choice. a) ... A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Which of the following is NOT true of cohabitation? Since their divorce, which of these is most likely? c. most cohabiting couples don't get married. Otherwise known as: metabolic syndrome. Question 16 All of the following are true about cohabitation EXCEPT that Selected Answer: it is a predictor for divorce. A. b. Barbara has been in love with Bob for 11 years. When Brenda develops a potentially fatal lung disease, Jonathan retires in order to care for Brenda. Which of the following is NOT true regarding marital success? B) Popular but appears to be under assault from changes in society. D) Relationships between cohabitating couples tend to be more equal than those of husbands and wives. Which of the following statements is NOT true about cohabitation trends. According to Robert Sternberg’s theory of love, which type of love is Julie experiencing? A) Cohabitation is thoroughly integrated into American society, whereas fewer Western Europeans accept it. b. eventual divorce and cohabitation before marriage are strongly correlated. Which of the following statements about electrical charge is true? Janet wants to reduce her chance of date rape. Which of the following is NOT true of divorce rates? A.Japan has a high proportion of unmarried young people. A. Sandra is a(n): Gayle’s divorce was final last year. On an assessment of attachment styles modeled on Hazan and Shaver’s questionnaire, Alicia described herself thus: "I find it relatively easy to get close to others and I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. C) Communicate feelings and expectations about sex. Attractive husbands were less satisfied. c. Men are apt to invest a greater amount of time in fathering. d. Fewer than 50 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. a. d. Fewer than 50 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. C.after a number of years it can constitute a common-law marriage. c. cohabitation generally assures a better success rate for couples who eventually get married. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Simone’s argument? Which of the following statements about connectedness is TRUE? Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation? C) Need to negotiate and renegotiate role responsibilities throughout a marriage. Davis is a(n): . Theodore Wachs proposed ways that linkages between temperament in childhood and personality in adulthood might vary depending on the: b. intervening contexts in individuals’ experience. Choose one answer. Meditation hastens the otherwise gradual loss in gray matter. The more education that cohabitants have, the more closely their relationships are linked to marriage. c. People tend to shy away from the unknown. B. B) Cohabiting relationships increasingly include children. Rose’s ex-boyfriend, Peter, describe her as clingy and dependent. B) Cohabitation is a threat to the institution of marriage, A) Increased rapidly with no signs of leveling off. Which of the following will NOT help reduce the likelihood of date rape? Research indicates that: c. there is a very slim chance that Rob and Alise will be together for 5 years. The birthrate per thousand women age 15 to 19 is highest in _____. A research review and conceptualization of attachment by leading experts Mario Mikulincer and Phillip Shaver concluded all the following about the benefits of secure attachment EXCEPT: a. high academic and work-related achievement. I don’t worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me." From this statement, research indicates Pat is likely to be, A) Living together in a sexually intimate relationship outside of marriage. B) It is a marital union of a man and a woman who decide to be childless by choice. c. most cohabiting couples don't get married. C) Most children are traumatized by divorce even decades after their parents separate. Which of the following is NOT one of the important characteristics men look for in women? This is not homework, I'm getting other input: Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? . A. When her friends suggest that she meet a man, however, Sandra tells them that she has no interest in men and that she is really quite content with her life. d. tend to distance themselves from their partner. Four-year-old Martha has a difficult temperament which her parents and teachers find hard to control. A positive charge and a negative charge will attract each other. Most cohabiting couples do not get married. Three-year old Grant finds it very difficult to control his anger and often pushes or bites his playmates and siblings. asked Apr 19, 2017 in Sociology by Bobby. a. personal fulfillment both inside and outside marriage. C)It has long been common in Latin America. By Russell Heimlich. Which of the following statements about cohabitation is TRUE? Which of the following is NOT true of mother's working outside the home? Based on the concept of consensual validation, we can expect that Julie: Apart from consensual validation, what is the other reason that similarity matters in relationships? a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. You have to include The Following. Which of the following is likely to be a reason for couples to choose not to have children? Which of the following statements about cohabitation is TRUE? Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. She is likely to feel: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of being a single adult? A) Engagement at the start of cohabitation is on the rise, while cohabitation is declining. Page 10 of 17. Which of the following is NOT one of John Gottman’s seven main principles that determine whether a marriage will work? Divorced Women Outnumber Divorced Men. Which statement is true about cohabitation? Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation ... statements about the drawing below is true? federal tax status. B) Cohabitating couples’ relationships are usually short-lived. B) Males who witnessed their mothers being beaten are less likely to abuse their wives as adults than other men, D) Stay because they lack financial independence and fear they won't be able to survive, It is difficult to estimate how often date rape occurs because, _____ contributes to about half of sexually aggressive incidents, Which of the following behaviors contribute to date rape, Jenna sometimes says "no" to sex when she means "maybe" or "yes." Social Security. Younger couples are more likely to divorce regardless of whether they cohabited or not prior to marrige . C. cohabitation as the most common type of relationship before the birth of a child. Which of the following is true regarding cohabitation? c. Shy and anxious individuals may be benefited from this opportunity. low divorce rates. Everyone who shares a respective ethnic identity expresses that identity through the same ethnic work . According to E. Mavis Hetherington’s research, the largest group of divorced people falls into the category of: Which of the following is NOT true of the divorced group identified as enhancers? Both Keera and Vin worked full-time, although Keera's job was not a career. In Most Cases, The Health Of Couples Who Cohabit Is Better Than The Health Of Married Couples. Couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to get divorced . B) Negative outcomes show up later in life. A) It was based on a small sample that was not representative of the population at large. asked Mar 3, 2016 in Psychology by Felicia. D)People in supportive intimate relationships tend to have higher than normal blood pressure. Marriage and Cohabitation (Ch.8) Sociologists have objected to the market model of marriage for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: this model trivializes human intimacy. Research indicates that links between early attachment styles and later attachment styles were _____ by stressful and disruptive experiences. B) The average number of confidants reported by Americans is on the rise. C) Cohabitation is replacing marriage as the dominant form of relationship between couples. Identify a true statement about low-income cohabitants. C) Most divorces occur after 12 to 15 years of marriage, Fred and Wilma are in an unhappy marriage. Which of the following is NOT true of intimate partner abuse? c. most cohabiting couples don't get married. b. If American men and women are going to get married at some point in their life, most do so by the time they are _____ years old. 1 decade ago. Which of the following is NOT true of the model of family life in which the father works, a mother stays at home to raise children, and a marriage that is their first and only marriage? B) Cohabiting relationships increasingly include children. After Mildred’s divorce, she went back to college, renewed old acquaintanceships, and took up ballroom dancing. c. being comfortable with someone who belongs to the same campus organization as you do. Six-year old Noah’s parents identify him as an inhibited child. Discrimination can occur without the awareness of both those doing the discriminating and those being discriminated against. What is the effect on an adultery petition of continued cohabitation after the petitioner discovers the adultery? Kirk's likelihood of being in a stable, long-term relationship is about ____ compared to Brenda's likelihood of _____, Gay men and lesbians are victims of prejudice as evidence by, In states where same-gender marriages are legal, research has found, A) No adverse effects on traditional family values, Research on homosexual couples suggests that, B) Gay relationships are more prone to breakups than heterosexual marriages, According to the 2000 U.S. Census, _____% of female same-gender couples and _____% of male same-gender couples are rearing children, Pat believes good parenting is based on the quality of child-parent interactions. Which of the following is NOT a myth about parenting? C) Feeling connected to your community has very little connection to improved health. c. Almost all cohabitating couples plan to marry at some point. Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. Couples that like together prior to marriage are less likely to get divorced that those who don't. During a debate about cohabitation, Corey states that cohabitation is likely to affect children adversely.However, Karl states that cohabitation has certain positive effects on children.Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Karl's argument? Which of the following is associated with a higher probability of marital success? Which of the following is NOT true of marital adjustment? B) Most men and women who are divorced never remarry. c. Romantic love is replaced by affectionate love which is based on a realistic knowledge and acceptance of the other’s strengths and faults. Which of the following statements is true about family patterns in Latin America? D) It has been replaced by a model of multiple relationships rather than ideas of monogamy, Gabrielle has been working her way up the corporate ladder and has had little time for planning on having a family. Signs of postmodern family were absent in Latin America before the transition to the modern conjugal family system. a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. Such arrangements have become increasingly common in Western countries since the late 20th century, being led by changing social views, especially regarding marriage, gender roles and religion. Latrell is very intelligent but only of average physical attractiveness. b. Polygyny, for members of the FLDS, is a means of having many children to produce a celestial family. C)The only intimate relationship known to be good for our health is marriage. a. Polygyny, for members of the FLDS, is considered a sin. A. C) Physical health benefits of being married are greater for men than for women, Baumbusch's survey of life-long single women between the ages of 65 and 77 found, B) They were satisfied with their decision, _____ is aggression toward those who are in close relationship to the aggressor. Research indicates that, as an adult, Grant: c. will likely to show problems in controlling his emotions. Which of the following is NOT a social trend challenging traditional models of marriage? What explains the fact that a couple can remain happy together even after romantic love fades? According to the author of your text, relationships in early adulthood strive to balance: According to Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love, love is characterized by the dimensions of: Female friendships are more _____ than male friendships, whereas male friendships are more _____ than female friendships. But it was a very comfortable silence, and I love it!" Which of the Consensual unions have long been common in Latin America. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Jim’s argument? Which statement is true about cohabitation? true. a. Premarital cohabitation increases the likelihood of subsequent marital success. Which of the following factors is NOT associated with an increase in divorce? He gets nervous if someone tries to get too intimate with him. a. Which of the following is true of the preferences of adults regarding the attachment styles of their partners? B) Cohabitation always leads to stronger marriages. Sui-Lin has turned to her close friend, Chuck, for support about a conflict she recently had with her boss. As a child, Miko was generally insecure and a perfectionist. Julia, who has just turned 30 years old, has never married. Barbara calls her friends constantly to complain that Bob is emotionally distant but she refuses to listen to their advice to move on with her life and end this relationship. Among Americans who have ever lived with an unmarried partner, nearly two-thirds (64%) say they thought about it as a step toward marriage. 6 months to a year before the wedding. Regarding early adult health knowledge and behavior, what statement is true? D) There are consistent gender differences in post-divorce adjustment, ________ percent of children show emotional or psychological problems 2-3 years after their parents divorce compared to _____ percent in a control group. b. cohabiting before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce. b. most cohabiting couples don't get married. The political power of labor unions has waned over the last several decades. a. people entering second marriages are more likely to cohabit than those entering first marriages. The number of cohabitating couples has remained stable since 1990. c. Cohabitation is often driven by economics. She wants to maintain a close and supportive relationship, but at times she feels smothered by the relationship. In which type of cohabitation do two people make a long-term commitment but do not get legally married? Which of the following statements is NOT true about cohabitation trends. B.Hungary encourages later marriage and a delay in childbearing. Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the current relationship between cohabitation and marriage? Research indicates that, as an adult, Martha: a. is more likely to experience marital conflict. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of many gay and lesbian relationships? Marcos feels pulled to act strong and independent both at work and at home with his family. Couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to get divorced . 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