Thermal stratification is a natural phenomenon that occurs in lakes as a result of the thermal expansion properties of water. These points were on average 2.37 m below the thermocline in each lake (range: 0.62–4.12 m, see Table S3 for thermocline depths), with the smallest distance belonging to a shallow lake with very limited habitat for S. namaycush. These studies were essential for determining the relative contributions to the distribution and persistence of eDNA particles. Monitoring of fish species at IISD‐ELA has been conducted annually or bi‐annually since the 1970s; therefore, the species composition of most lakes is well known. Final models were evaluated for overdispersion. In the upper euphotic zones of the reservoirs, an increase in WT can promote the growth of phytoplankton ( Wang et al., 2018a ), which absorb CO 2 and release oxygen through photosynthesis, resulting in increases in DO and pH. A DNA mock community of 27 North American fish species was constructed to evaluate the efficiency of our molecular methods and bioinformatics steps. Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue. Temperature and dissolved substances contribute to density differences in water. After use, Buchner filtration funnels were washed in soapy water, soaked in 30% bleach for ten minutes and vigorously triple‐rinsed in ultrapure water between samples. We sampled eDNA depth profiles of five dimictic lakes during both summer stratification and autumn turnover, each containing warm‐ and cool‐water fishes as well as the cold‐water stenotherm, lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). This work was funded by a Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Fellowship (JEL), an NSERC Collaborative Research and Development award (MEC), Canada Research Chair and NSERC Discovery award to MEC and MDR, Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science Excellence award (JEL), the WSP Montréal Environment Department and in-kind support from the IISD Experimental Lakes Area and Fisheries & Oceans Canada. We were able to assign the majority of ASV sequences at species level using the last common ancestor algorithm with two exceptions. Several simpler models with a reduced fixed effects structure were fitted for each temporal data set, and we compared all models with AIC. During summer months, S. namaycush, which rarely ventured into shallow waters, could only be detected at the deepest layers of the lakes, whereas the eDNA of warm‐water fishes was much more abundant above the thermocline. For S. namaycush, we collected acoustic telemetry data on depth occupancy to determine seasonal habitat use and compared it with depth profiles collected with eDNA data. We sampled eDNA depth profiles of five dimictic lakes during both summer stratification and autumn turnover, each containing warm‐ and cool‐water fishes as well as the cold‐water stenotherm, lake trout ( Salvelinus namaycush ). Continuous temperature monitoring for two adjacent tropical crater lakes in Mexico at 4200 m amsl shows that the lakes have rhythmic episodes of heating and cooling with a duration of ~ 30 days during the warmest months. Learn more. There was no detectable PCR amplification in any field, DNA extraction or PCR negative controls based on gel electrophoresis, but we included all blanks for sequencing. Understand and define hypoxic zones, anoxic zones and dead zones. Filters were incubated for 16 hr and were vortexed four times throughout incubation. There is minimal mixing between upper (epilimnion) and lower (hypolimnion) layers. Between five and ten tagged adults were monitored in each lake during the study period. Other taxonomic groups appeared at very low frequencies when our ASVs were matched against the NCBI database, such as bacterial, mammalian and bird taxa, but as they were not the focus of our study they were excluded. Summarize how lake thermal stratification affects dissolved oxygen. Maintaining the status quo of a surface sampling approach during the summer months will exclude or limit the consistent detection of cold‐water species during periods of seasonal stratification, resulting in poor representation of these species in data sets. Changes in detection throughout the water columns were relatively small; for example, there was a slight increase in the proportion of C. cognatus sequences recovered at deeper sampling depths, but this species was found in the shallow samples as well. We hypothesized that (1) lake thermal stratification (i.e. Perennials (plants that live for The intensity of colour varies according to sample depth in the water column: the shallowest samples are represented with the lightest colours and the deepest samples with the darkest colours, Lake trout amplicon sequencing variants (a) and, Model predictions from the best‐fit model to explain, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our,, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, Scrutinizing key steps for reliable metabarcoding of environmental samples, FastQC. Here, we tested how seasonal variation in thermal stratification and animal habitat preferences influences the distribution of eDNA in lakes. These trees often form a canopy. Stratification Stratification is a cold, moist period that breaks seed dormancy. Thus, habitat use by obligate cold‐water species can be greatly reduced and constrained to deeper depths during summer stratification, especially in small temperate lakes where habitat volume reductions of >60% are common due to lack of preferred temperature and dissolved oxygen conditions (Paterson, Podemski, Wesson, & Dupuis, 2011; Plumb & Blanchfield, 2009). PCR replicates from each sample were combined and cleaned with a 1:0.875 ratio of AMPure beads. The receivers logged acoustic signals emitted by the tags through an omnidirectional hydrophone. Our results reflect those of Handley et al., (2019), who found greater heterogeneity in community composition of samples at three depth points during summer sampling when compared with winter sampling in their study of a single deep lake (1,480 ha, depth of 44 m/64 m in two basins), and that eDNA from a cold‐water stenotherm (S. alpinus) was only detectable in midwater and deep‐water habitats. During lake turnover in late autumn, fish community detection by eDNA was much more homogenous throughout the different depths of the lake (Figure 2b), characterized by a greater proportion of cold‐water fish sequences found at shallow depths. We thank Jean Carreau and Patrick LaFrance of WSP Montréal for useful discussions on the topics of eDNA and biomonitoring. Despite this, eDNA studies often involve the collection of surface samples only, without considering the important seasonal forces which shape thermal stratification and the distinct thermal preferences of fish occupying these ecosystems. Thus, the seasonal cycle of lake stratification can concentrate organisms within, or isolate organisms from, certain habitats at different times of the year. After ASVs were generated, we assigned taxonomy using BLAST+ (Camacho et al., 2009) and BASTA (Kahlke & Ralph, 2019), a last common ancestor algorithm. Students can meet the goals for this lesson by completing a directed study or an inquiry lesson. This matched to the Hypophthalmichthys genus (carp species native to Asia), which is not known to exist at IISD‐ELA but appeared at high abundance in one sample, which most likely originated as a false positive at the molecular laboratory stage. Native Plants Journal 17(1):5–17. The full pipeline is available from This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. pumps, van Dorn bottles, or the use of a boat to sample at the centre of a lake). To prevent contamination between lakes, dedicated tubing was used for each lake. However, as eDNA matures into a tool that is being relied on for monitoring and environmental assessment, it is essential to understand the complex interplay between species’ habitat selection and spatio‐temporal variation in abiotic factors in shaping the distribution of eDNA within ecosystems. 5. The top ranked model to explain S. namaycush eDNA counts included the interaction between lake state (stratified or isothermal) and telemetry detection frequency for the month prior to the day of sampling (log(S. namaycush ASV counts) = −2.14 + 6.80 telemetry + 0.97 turnover – 6.02 telemetry × turnover). Fish eDNA became “stratified” into layers during summer months, reflecting lake stratification and the thermal niches of the species. All field equipment was decontaminated in 30% bleach and triple‐washed with distilled water the evening before. There was a positive correlation between S. namaycush telemetry detections and eDNA counts during lake stratification, but no relationship during turnover (Figure 5). As with all ecological sampling techniques, there are a number of potential routes for false positives and negatives to occur with eDNA sampling in the field (Ficetola et al., 2015; Jerde, 2019). 4. Thermal stratification and mixing could affect the vertical gradients of physical and chemical processes in the water body (Chimney et al. In nature, this process occurs in winter, keeping seeds from germinating until conditions are more ideal in the spring. Fish were collected and the telemetry tags implanted under the following permits: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Licence to Collect Fish for Scientific Purposes #1085769 (2017), #1089495 (2018) and Lakehead University Animal Use Protocol #1464657 (renewed in 2017 and 2018). Benches were cleaned thoroughly with 20% bleach before use. S. namaycush eDNA was primarily concentrated in the bottom half of lakes (Figure 4a red bars) during lake stratification (corresponding to points deeper than 6.25–10 m depending on the depth of the lake sampled). Significant advances have been made towards surveying animal and plant communities using DNA isolated from environmental samples. By contrast, the influence of water movement on eDNA transport and species detection has largely been neglected for lacustrine systems. Since many of the variables, including ceiling height, people and processes, solar gain, and outside weather conditions cannot be controlled, the most common technologies used are related to the building's HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is increasingly being used to conduct biodiversity surveys, species occupancy studies, and detect endangered and invasive species (Deiner et al., 2017; Taberlet, Coissac, Pompanon, Brochmann, & Willerslev, 2012). Working off-campus? Amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs) were generated using the UNOISE3 package (Edgar, 2016), which uses a denoizing pipeline to remove sequencing error and to cluster sequences into single variants (100% similarity). Studies at the habitat scale have already suggested possible generalities linking eDNA to biological activity; for example, that peaks of eDNA can indicate the onset of reproduction (Bylemans et al., 2018; Spear et al., 2015) or relative abundance of species (Li et al., 2019). However, a couple of studies which focus on single species or a single habitat have hinted at interesting differences in eDNA community composition at the top and bottom of the water column, possibly indicating a role for the thermocline in separating these molecular signals. Filter tips were used for all molecular work. Many early studies used mesocosm approaches to study the fieldwork components of eDNA work, such as the abiotic and biotic influences on the rates of DNA production and degradation (e.g. The total number of detections of all fish was grouped into depth intervals reflecting the vertical distribution of the eDNA sampling (six intervals per lake). The design of field sampling campaigns provides the foundation on which other methods build, including timing and duration of sampling, location and replication of samples, power of experimental design and even choice of sampling equipment. 3. This allows for thermal layering; where warmer water is stored on top of colder water – defined as “thermal stratification”. All filtration, extraction and PCR negative controls were amplified in triplicate. Learn about our remote access options, Department of Biology, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, Joanne E. Littlefair, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, IISD Experimental Lakes Area, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada. surfaces, floors, main shelving). The generation of ASVs has several advantages over OTUs including finer resolution, accurate measures of diversity and easy comparison between independently processed data sets (Callahan, McMurdie, & Holmes, 2017). The field laboratory used for filtering and storing of field equipment at IISD‐ELA had not previously been used for sampling or storage of animal tissues. The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. Each receiver was attached to a floating buoy and suspended ~2 m below the water's surface or ~2–4 m above the bottom of the lake (dependent on mooring apparatus design). We used ASV count for each species in each sample as the response variable modelled as the interaction between lake state, depth of sample and fish species to investigate whether stratification and turnover had variable effects for different species. 2 B ; Table S3 ). All filtrations were completed within eight hours of sample collection. Our next challenge in eDNA research will be to scale up experimentation to produce generalizable rules for eDNA distribution in real ecosystems and interpret this in light of the biology of our study organisms. By contrast, rates of vertical diffusion of tracer across the thermocline of stratified lakes are much slower (Quay, 1980). Quality scores for sequences were analysed with FASTQC (Andrews, 2010). Brief periods of whole water column mixing occur prior to and after stratification in dimictic lakes during spring and autumn (Wetzel, 2001). This analysis was performed for each of the three temporal data sets of telemetry data collected (one day, one week and one month before the point of sampling), to test whether differences in the temporal range of habitat selection better explained the distribution of eDNA, as it is known to persist in the water column for several days to weeks. In this study, we explored the impact of lake stratification and turnover on the distribution of eDNA in dimictic lakes and make specific predictions for warm‐ and cold‐water fishes. We selected the MiFish‐U primers from a number of candidates by obtaining sequences from NCBI and using these to construct a phylogenetic tree with maximum likelihood using MEGA7. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. We are indebted to many IISD Experimental Lakes Area students and staff for maintaining records of field data and for logistical assistance with this project. The laboratory and equipment were thoroughly cleaned with 10% bleach before and after use (e.g. Thermal stratification and fish thermal preference explain vertical eDNA distributions in lakes, Freshwater Institute, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, 501 University Crescent, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Department of Biology, Lakehead University. A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data, Persistence of marine fish environmental DNA and the influence of sunlight, The ecology of environmental DNA and implications for conservation genetics, Physiological and ecological correlates of preferred temperature in fish, Marine environmental DNA biomonitoring reveals seasonal patterns in biodiversity and identifies ecosystem responses to anomalous climatic events, Annual time‐series analysis of aqueous eDNA reveals ecologically relevant dynamics of lake ecosystem biodiversity, The response of lake trout to manual tracking, Environmental DNA for wildlife biology and biodiversity monitoring, glmmTMB balances speed and flexibility among packages for zero‐inflated generalized linear mixed modeling, Does size matter? If sampling must be carried out during lake stratification, cold‐water species can be targeted by sampling deeper layers with pumps, Freidinger/van Dorn bottles or integrated samplers (e.g. The atmosphere imposes a temperature signal on the lake surface. During summer months, lake trout, which rarely ventured into shallow waters, could only be detected at the deepest layers of the lakes, whereas the eDNA of warm-water fishes was much more abundant above the thermocline. Within the affected range (2.5–4.5 °C), the rate of earlier development of strong stratification increased with increasing T 20–80 ( Fig. 2014), and documented temperature preferences (Table S2). We refer to the shallowest depth as sampling point one and the deepest depth as point six. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Conceptual figure showing hypothesized eDNA release in response to fish habitat selection and lake stratification/turnover. Based on field observations in 2010, thermal stratification was significant in most months of the year. Because the thermal stratification is weak, nutrient‐rich deep waters are frequently mixed to the surface, replenishing surface nutrient inventories and sustaining primary production by phytoplankton (Reigstad et al., 20021998). The pressure sensor data were converted to depth information using Vemco VUE software for each detection for the duration of the study (yielding ~200–700 depth detections for each fish in a typical 24‐hr period). Raw fastq files, sample x ASV tables and the sequence composition of the ASVs are available at Dryad ( We used custom scripts to remove adapters, merge paired sequences, check quality and generate amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs). Thermal stratification is an important natural phenomenon in aquatic systems, which interferes significantly with their physical and chemical structure, creating complex gradients or simply leading to increased Lewis, 1987; ). Typically stratified lakes show three distinct layers, the Epilimnion comprising the top warm layer, the thermocline (or Metalimnion): the middle layer, which may change depth throughout the day, and the colder Hypolimnion extending to the floor of the lake. Mächler et al., 2018; Seymour et al., 2018; Strickler et al., 2015). Thermal stratification affects other physical and chemical factors by limiting migration and/or interacting with them in the reservoir water profile. The experiments were analysed and the figures made by JEL. Thermal stratification is the phenomenon in which lakes develop two discrete layers of water of different temperatures: warm on top (epilimnion) and cold below (hypolimnion). Potentially, deeper lakes will have more distinct microhabitat isolation between the epilimnion and deep waters, which in turn might result in a greater isolation of warm‐water and cold‐water species’ eDNA above and below the thermocline. A full list of the reduced models that we tested and their AIC scores appears in Table S8. Although metabarcoding studies such as ours cannot measure the absolute numbers of DNA molecules in different samples, these may also differ between stratification and turnover due to differences in the range of possible habitat occupancy and rate of degradation caused by water temperature (Klobucar et al., 2017). For each sampling point, 500 ml of lake water was sampled and stored in an unused sterile Whirl‐Pak bag (Nasco, ON, Canada) sealed within a large Ziplock bag. K Sandilands provided equipment used in this project. Here, we tested how seasonal variation in thermal stratification and animal habitat preferences influence the distribution of eDNA in lakes. Temperature profiles in each lake confirmed that eDNA sampling occurred during stratification and turnover (isothermal or near‐isothermal conditions) within the study lakes (Table S3). The filters were immediately stored in screw‐cap tubes at −20°C and then shipped on dry ice to McGill University, Montréal for molecular analysis. In horticulture, stratification is a process of treating seeds to simulate natural conditions that the seeds must experience before germination can occur. Molecular data were collected by JEL and LEH. To understand climatic swings between glacial and interglacial climates we need to explain the observed fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which in turn are most likely driven by changes in the deep ocean circulation. Evaluation of thermal, chemical, and mechanical seed scarification methods for 4 Great Basin lupine species. However, it can also Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Because the water is now As a result, thermal stratification can be established during the warm season if a Dr J S Hleap provided bioinformatics support to this project. Sampling dates were chosen based on decades‐long records of the timing of seasonal stratification and turnover (mixing) in these lakes. autumn turnover) result in homogenous eDNA signals for all thermal guilds of fishes throughout the water column (Figure 1b). These patterns are typical of those found in previous years during peak stratification and turnover for lakes in this region (Sichewski & Cruikshank, 1998). DNA extraction and pre‐PCR preparation were conducted in a dedicated environmental DNA laboratory at McGill University, which was separate from all molecular work involving tissue and PCR amplicons. Abiotic factors such as temperature, water chemistry and exposure to UV are thought to influence rates of eDNA shedding and/or degradation (Klymus et al., 2015; Lance et al., 2017; Sansom & Sassoubre, 2017; Sassoubre, Yamahara, Gardner, Block, & Boehm, 2016; Strickler, Fremier, & Goldberg, 2015). We used a variance stabilizing transformation on our sample x ASV matrix to account for uneven library size across our samples. The difference between the median depths of S. namaycush one month and one week before, as well as the day of sampling, was not large (Table S9). During lake turnover, S. namaycush eDNA was very abundant at all points in the water column, with no clear patterns according to sampling depth. Chrosomus neogaeus (finescale dace) and Chrosomus eos (redbelly dace) were both assigned at genus level, possibly because pure C. eos does not exist in this region but instead forms both cytoplasmic and nuclear hybrids with C. neogaeus (Mee & Taylor, 2012). Sequencing was conducted using 2 × 250 bp Illumina MiSeq at Génome Québec, Montréal. Lake Stratification and Mixing Many of our Illinois lakes and reservoirs are deep enough to stratify, or form "layers" of water with different temperatures. We explored the contribution of each species to seasonal differences in ASV counts at different depths by fitting mixed effects models. Such thermal stratificationoccurs because of the large differences in density Nonbiological nucleotides were removed (primers, indices and adapters) using cutadapt (Martin, 2011). This approach allows us to control for library size while retaining interpretable response data (e.g. Many seed species have an embryonic dormancy phase, and generally will not sprout until this dormancy is broken. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling to visualize fish communities, by specifying either two or three dimensions (to minimize stress and achieve convergence) and 200 random starts. The telemetry data sets and ongoing surveys of species richness were collected and processed by LEH, PB and MR. Few studies have managed to weigh the relative importance of abiotic and biotic influences on the distribution of eDNA—in this system, the two are intrinsically linked through bioenergetic requirements of fish which are manifest as thermal preferences. La stratification des lacs est la tendance des lacs à former des couches thermiques séparées et distinctes par temps chaud. Acoustic telemetry showed that S. namaycush inhabited the bottom two‐thirds of the water column during stratification, although they were less likely to occupy the deepest depths (Figure 4b red bars, median depth of telemetry detections = 7.74–11.90 m). Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas. Unders… The creation of microhabitats according to temperature gradients resulted in the detection of distinct community assemblages above and below the thermocline. An experimental evaluation of the relative abundance and decay rates of aquatic eDNA, Exact sequence variants should replace operational taxonomic units in marker‐gene data analysis, Microcosm experiments have limited relevance for community and ecosystem ecology, DNA template dilution impacts amplicon sequencing‐based estimates of soil fungal diversity, Effect of PCR template concentration on the composition and distribution of total community 16S rDNA clone libraries, The effects of parameter choice on defining molecular operational taxonomic units and resulting ecological analyses of metabarcoding data, R: A language and environment for statistical computing, Uses and misuses of environmental DNA in biodiversity science and conservation, Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection probability is influenced by seasonal activity of organisms, Transport distance of invertebrate environmental DNA in a natural river, Environmental DNA metabarcoding: Transforming how we survey animal and plant communities, Environmental DNA reveals that rivers are conveyer belts of biodiversity information, Choice of capture and extraction methods affect detection of freshwater biodiversity from environmental DNA, UNOISE2: improved error‐correction for Illumina 16S and ITS amplicon sequencing, Sampling designs for landscape‐level eDNA monitoring programs, Detecting the movement and spawning activity of bigheaded carps with environmental DNA, Replication levels, false presences and the estimation of the presence/absence from eDNA metabarcoding data, Potential impacts of global climate change on freshwater fisheries, Behavioral responses to annual temperature variation alter the dominant energy pathway, growth, and condition of a cold‐water predator, Environmental DNA metabarcoding of lake fish communities reflects long‐term data from established survey methods. This is an important finding for the design of eDNA sampling studies, given that our study lakes are some of the smallest capable of supporting S. namaycush habitat. (sculpins) avoid the warm temperatures of lake surface waters during summer stratification due to the associated metabolic costs and increased oxygen requirements of doing so (Beitinger & Fitzpatrick, 1979; Ficke, Myrick, & Hansen, 2007; Magnuson et al., 1979). By contrast, during lake turnover, eDNA of all fish species was relatively homogenous throughout the water column. The sampling points were distributed at six evenly spaced intervals, but because the lakes were different depths, absolute measurements differ between the lakes. The ASVs from other taxonomic groups had very low numbers of reads (3,730 ± 984 per sample). Despite rapid progress, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the “ecology” of environmental DNA (eDNA), particularly its temporal and spatial distribution and how this is shaped by abiotic and biotic processes. All samples were treated with the OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, California). Similarly, studies in coastal marine waters demonstrate that although eDNA signals generally show decreasing community similarity at scales greater than 60–100 m, some signal transport still takes place, possibly as a result of particle transport by wave motion and water mixing (O’Donnell et al., 2017; Port et al., 2016). NOTE: Your email address is requested solely to identify you as the sender of this article. During stratification, the most dramatic changes in community composition measured with eDNA took place in samples above and below the thermocline: warm‐water fish eDNA was stratified above the thermocline, and cold‐water fish eDNA was concentrated below the thermocline (Figure 2). This indicates that most sequences in our data set belong to fish from this geographic region, rather than resulting from the amplification of nontarget taxonomic groups (e.g. A forest community is a typical example of terrestrial stratification because here a number of strata both above and below the soil can be recognised. 1. Using this approach, environmental factors can either be studied in isolation or as a multifactorial experiment in combination with a low number of other variables, while allowing for experimental replication and some control of other sources of environmental variation. The topics of eDNA and dead zones point one and the figures made by JEL two elutions of µl! 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